2021-22 Executive Board

Ferdie Lee was born and raised in Maui, Hawaii. She moved to NYC to study Computer Engineering at Polytechnic University. She's an Operations Manager for an international real estate company and a registered Notary Public. Ferdie is married to James who is also very active in the school; together, they have two kids at 102Q (in 7th and 4th grades) and a high schooler. She's also the President of the CEC 24. In her free time, she volunteers for a local CYO boys baseball league and is active in her church. She looks forward to a wonderful year at PS/IS 102Q!
Ferdie Lee
Rosmary Padilla

Hola mi nombre es Rosmary Padilla.Yo soy de Honduras. Yo tengo un niño en quinto grado. Yo soy la tesorera de la Asociacion de Padres de Familia. Para mi es un placer y un Honor colaborar con todos los padres de Familia para poder crear mejores oportunidades para nuestros hijos. Gracias Padres por siempre apoyar la Asociacion de Padres. Unidos Podemos hacerlo.
Hi my name is Rosmary Padilla and I am from Honduras. My son is in 5th grade. It is a pleasure and honor for me to collaborate with the Parent Association. I feel grateful and want to work with all our parents to create new opportunities for our children. Thank you for your support.

Recording Secretary
Hola, mi nombre es Cristina Galindo, tengo dos hijos, uno asiste a PS / IS / 102Q mientras que mi hija asiste a Bard High School Early College. Estoy muy contenta de poder servir y apoyar a nuestra escuela. Es un placer poder contribuir a nuestra comunidad escolar y espero poder ayudar y apoyar a todas las familias.
Hi! My name is Cristina Galindo, I have two children, one attends PS/IS 102Q while my daughter attends Bard High School Early College. I am very happy to be able to serve and support our school. It is a pleasure to be able to contribute to our school community and I look forward to helping and supporting all families.
Cristina Galindo

Amy Yang
Hello everyone, my name is Amy. I am from Shanghai, and I am a Montessori teacher in China. My child is currently in second grade. It is my honor to contribute to the school and our community. I am also very fortunate to be able to work with the other parents here.
Communications Secretary
Jennifer Alviar
Committee Chair
Committee Chair
Committee Chair

Jennifer Alviar
Jennifer was born in California and raised in Texas. She's a parent of a fourth grader and a first grader in the Chinese Dual Language Program. She graduated with a BFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City and previously worked as a Project Manager in Fashion Advertising. She is also a member of the SLT (School Leadership Team). As a representative of the parent community she will be an advocate for the students and families. She's thankful to be a part of this vibrant parent association!

Committee Chair
PreK & K Stepping Up
Bio coming soon!

Committee Chair
5th Grade Field Day
Bio coming soon!

Committee Chair
8th Grade Graduation
Bio coming soon!